From January 15 to February 29, 2024

Laure VIGNA (1984, lives and works in Marseilles) is an artist and researcher. A graduate of Goldsmiths University of London (2022) and the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (2008), she is currently training as a herbalist at the École Lyonnaise de Plantes Médicinales.

Laure Vigna is a sculptor. Her research lies at the intersection of life sciences, social sciences, environmental studies and the history of science, with a feminist perspective that aims to examine matter from a socio-cultural angle. Her recent research focuses on microbial legacies, examining their memorial, archival and communicative functions. She is interested in the relationships and interconnections between the porosity and permeability of bodies and the modes and forms of toxicity that lead to practices of dispossession of earth and organisms, chemical elements as inert matter animated by "bodies", and how these bodies are transformed by their exposure.